Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rant #3: R-tards on the Internet

Okay, you know what really pisses me off? People who use the wrong “you’re” when writing. Call me a grammar Nazi, but it’s really annoying. I see stuff like, “your so stupid” and I think, “this coming from someone who doesn’t know simple grammar? Nice going, dumbass.”

Another thing that gets me is people who type like total noobs. Seriously, do you think we’re unimportant enough that we should have to work to read what you, the most important person on Internet, has to say? Or are you just too lazy to make your sentences coherent? I’m sitting next to this girl in study hall who types out stuff like, “omg this class taeks 4ever 2 get out, but itz ovurrr in like 5minz lolololol.” Okay, really. GET. A. LIFE. It’s people like you that make the rest of us who frequent the Internet look immature. Are you sure you’re not overcompensating for your lack of social prowess, so not only do you not have any friends in real life, you’re already ruining any chance you might have had of making friends online. Take the dick out of your ass and learn to type.